Sunday, August 31, 2008

This Changes Everything

Wired has a great article this month about the RED digital movie camera designed by a team assembled by Jim Jannard, the founder of Oakley. It's insanely affordable ($17.5K for a professional movie camera), comes very close to film quality, and outputs in an easy-to-edit digital format. Moreover, it even handles focus similarly to film, allowing striking photography. Check out this sample:

BIKER teaser from Macgregor on Vimeo.

But what I'm even more excited about is a DSLR version that is supposedly in the works. It bodes well for our future if one day consumers can own a camera such as this. It could make our digicam shots today look like Polaroids by comparison. Given that RED is releasing a $3000 camcorder version of the RED One next year, maybe that day will be here sooner.

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