Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Chrome: No Thanks

I remember reading about Google about a decade ago, when it was still an obscure search engine. Today, my life revolves around it. Google Maps. Gmail. GOOG-411. And, now Blogger.

While I'm somewhat put-off by the rather bland styling of Google properties and privacy concerns, I'm still captivated by their products. For example, I'm looking forward to the Android phones to see how they'll stack up to the Apple and Microsoft offerings. Captivated, that is, until Chrome.

In a surprise about as big as Sarah Palin, out of the blue Google released the beta of Chrome this week, and while there's plenty of coverage on it, I'm not biting. Architectural improvements aside, it exists only to ensure targeted advertising reaches us. And one day, I'm sure that Chrome will be mandatory to use Google services and applications.

Google should get revenue for providing useful services, but I'm not sure a Google sandbox browser is the answer. Viva la Firefox!

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