Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm still a button masher

I finally got around to playing the PS3 demo of NHL '09, and it reminded me why I don't buy sports games. Sure, it's gorgeous and has great commentary by Gary Thorne and Bill Clement. But despite missing plenty of classes in college playing NHL '94 on the SNES, now, as then, I'm a button masher. That means I often get owned by the CPU because I can't master the finer mechanics of the game, and that makes it not-so-fun.

Looking at some videos of NHL '94 vs. '09, it's amazing how far the graphics, artwork, and animation have come. In some respects, it's getting almost photorealistic, but every few seconds, wooden animations and bad texture mapping jarred me back to reality. As far as the demo, I didn't manage a win in several attempts to play through the demo's final period of a Penguins/Red Wings game, so no chance of me picking up this title.

Unfortunately, besides confirming that my mashing skills are intact, I've got the song from the demo, "Warriors of Time" by Black Tide, firmly stuck in my head. Woah, woah, woah...

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